Sunday, April 17, 2016

Want to safer sex, what she was thinking?

Want to safer sex, what she was thinking?

Whether you are in the 20-year-old, thin, thick, or 80 years, if you have sex you are always safe. The following is a method of 7 sex helps women of all ages safe:
1. Learn about the safety of sex well before you act on the bed, let your lover know from your own principles, no condoms, no sex.
2. Tell your lover's sexual health that you can not compromise or negotiation
3. Need to know to get your lover, if he respects and fears she will not try to force you into a danger to health and safety Sexuality.
4. Condom use to create sexual arousal.
5. Player's male genitals wear resistant sheath to feel arousal.
6. Do not let anyone without a body no defense, no matter how much you like them or trust them much.
7. Should check with your lover before you start having sex if you do not want to protect by using various methods.


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