The soup only poor prefer, but in Hollywood, it's because it can protect a person's entire body!
You may have to try this soup again, if your parents did it for you. If you forget this soup recipe, do not worry. Its ingredients are chicken and calf bone. Simply put calf and chicken bones into the water and boiled for 20 minutes is up. You can then add the onion, carrots, Chinese cabbage and chirveansaouy to add a tasting.
This soup is mostly consumed by the poor people in poor countries, but something unexpected is that even in Hollywood actress also eat soup periodically, because it can help prevent human organs.
According to Dr. Amy Myers soup contains essential minerals for the body, such as calcium, phosphorus Meng papers police, magnesium, and calcium. The soup can protect the whole organism because it helps boost the immune system and makes the body strong, strong against infections and other diseases .
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